Exit, The Book
I remember the exact moment back in late 2012, when I first came across this booklet. I had no idea at the time who Naftali Bennett was, But I remember reading the Hebrew version eagerly, all at once. Since then, I have always kept a printed copy for myself, and referred others to the free online PDF countless times. But I was always stuck in front of non-Hebrew readers.
Now, more than 8 years later, I am happy to take part in the free release of the English version, by Plus972. Today, Naftali Bennet is a known public figure, but that is not the reason why we at Plus972 took the lead on translating it. The reason is that this booklet contains many effective, pragmatic, simple, true and essential lessons on leadership, business, innovation and more.
Much has been written and said about Israel’s success as a tech and innovation powerhouse, a vivid ecosystem of creative energy and entrepreneurship, and the “Startup Nation” brand. This book provides an effective and quick inside look to how Israelis think, act, do business and build startups. Sure, some of the “flavor” may have been lost in translation, and some parts are not relevant all the time, but much of it is simply timeless.
Promoting Israel through business is part of my personal career mission, and partnering with Plus972 is directly connected to that. With this English version of the booklet, we hope we are able to help young entrepreneurs gain value and insights, help non-Israelis understand the Israeli mindset better, and help Israelis who work with people all over the world better communicate our culture, in order to do better business together.
Last, I wish to thank Plus972 for partnering on this project, and of course to Naftali Bennett for writing it, and collaborating with us on this release.
Thank you.