The Israeli Economy
What is the story of Israel’s economy, how is it a unique case study, and what are the universal lessons to be learned from it? What are the fundamentals that allowed Israel to transform into the dubbed “Start-Up Nation”? In this speaking engagement, Assaf potrais the economic background of modern Israel, to help the audience gain a broader context than the local innovation ecosystem and tech industry.

Why This Speaking Engagement?
This speaking engagement is great for any audience which is interested in diving deeper into Israel's economy, beyond the local tech industry. This speaking engagement is specifically tailored for groups who already had a "Start-Up Nation" exposure, and are interested in a follow-up engagement which will inform them on the good and bad of the entire Israeli economy.
Added Values
✓ Great extension after an introduction to "Start-Up Israel"
✓ Broader economic context for Israel
✓ Combination of economics, business, social science and history.
✓ Tells the broader story, from “Kibbutz Nation” to “Start-Up Nation”
Approved Speaker
This speaking engagement is approved for TAGLIT Birthright Israel groups, and is listed under "Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology."

Recommended Time
1.5 Hours.

The Economic Roots
Israel’s surprising socialist roots and their contribution

Israel as a Case Study
Israel as a unique outlier in its group of nations.

“Kibbutz Nation”
How innovation thrived already in ISrael’s early days.

SWOT Analysis
The unfiltered good, bad ugly and beautiful.

Economic Transformation
The 1980’s crisis and the birth of a new economy

The Future of Start-Up Nation
The true temporary and permanent factors in Israel’s economy